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Here you can find all the (old) plastic toys LEGO made between 1940 and 1965. The list will not be complete, but it will be updated regual. Have fun!


Other plastic toys:

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Box with 24 Volkswagen vans

Number 275

1,10 Dkk (1955)

Black 'Peace-pistol' plastic variation on the 1945 wooden model, 

Number 325

3,50 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic pistol click here!

Green plastic pistol, Number 325

Visit the page about this plastic pistol click here!

Ammuition for 'Peace-pistol'.

Number 326

0,50 Dkk (1955)

Plastic Flee game, 

Number 350

2,95 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this game, click here!

Ferguson Tractor model accesoires:

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.


Number 674

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Cultivator Blue/Orange Number 674 

3,25 Dkk (1955)



Cultivator Red/Yellow

Number 674 

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Cultivator Orange/Green 

Number 674 

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Cultivator Grey Nr 674 (1674)

Number 674 

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Cultivator Red/Grey Nr 674 (1674)

Number 674 

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Plough (Nr 675)

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Plough Grey (Nr 675)

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Plough Orange/Green

3,25 Dkk (1955)

Plough Red/Yellow

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Plough Green/Yellow

3,25 Dkk (1955)


Other plastic toys:

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Automatic Binding Bricks

Number 700 

Visit the page about de automatic binding bricks click here!

Plastic fish rattle different colours, number 710 of 710A with rope.

Number 710 2,25 Dkk (1955)

Number 710 A 2,50 Dkk (1955) [with wheels]

Visit the page about this plastic fish rattle click here!

Plastic shipper Number 711.

1,35 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic shipper click here!

Plastic dolls small, 

Number 710 or 710/1

1,65 Dkk (1955)

Availeble in boxes with 10 pieces. 


Visit the page about this plastic dolls click here!


Plastic dolls small, 

Number 710 or 710/1

1,65 Dkk (1955)

Availeble in boxes with 10 pieces. 


Visit the page about this plastic dolls click here!


Plastic dolls different colours, white = 720, black = 720/1

Also as two pack with number 720/2

3,50 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic dolls click here!

Russian puppets (matrushkas), Number 721

5,50 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic puppets click here!

Clown in different colours, Number 722

1,35 Dkk (1955)

Bear in plane, different models and colours, Number 723

1,35 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic planes click here!

Plastic Cow, Number 724

1,65 Dkk (1955)

Visit the page about this plastic Cows click here!

Privatcollectie Peter Reinartz , Deutschland

Plastic Cubes, 

Number 725


Visit the page about this plastic cubes click here!

Plastic Cubes, 

Visit the page about this plastic cubes click here!


Plastic animals:

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Plastic animals,

Domastic animals = 727

12 pieces

17 cm


1,65 Dkk (1955)

Plastic animals, zoo animals, domestic animals and farmanimals.

Number 727/1

100 pieces assorti


11,00 Dkk (1955)


Assorti animals in cubes

Number 727/28


0,85 Dkk (1955)

Plastic Cubes, Lego Products made in 1950 . They are sold as Boxes

with Animals (inside), in different Issues: with Farm Animals , or

with exotic Animals.

Visit the page about this plastic cubes click here!


Plastic animals, 

Zoo Animals = 728

13 cm

9 pieces


1,10 Dkk (1955)

Plastic zoo animals

Number 728/1

100 pieces assorti


11,00 Dkk (1955)


Other plastic toys:

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Plastic buildingblocks

Number 730/10 

Top "LEGO-Top"

Number 751

1,85 Dkk (1955)

Ferguson Tractor models:                                         Visit the page about plastic Tractors click here!

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.
Red Tractor MC Cormick-Deering

Number 770

Nyhed fra LEGO
Plastic Traktor Farmall H. nr 770 med løfteanordning
Fortegnelse over nogle af vore Redskaber som passer til vore Traktorer met løfteanordning.
Ordrer modtages til omg. levering i disse artikler.

Privatcollectie Peter Reinartz , Deutschland

Ferguson Tractor Grey

Number 780

18 CM

12,85 Dkk (1955)

Ferguson Tractor Red

Number 780

18 CM

12,85 Dkk (1955)


Ferguson Tractor transparant

Number 780

18 CM


Ferguson Tractor Blue/brown(kopper)

Number 780

18 CM

Ferguson Tractor kit

Number 781

28 x 33 cm


12,85 Dkk (1955)

Ferguson Tractor spare parts

Number 781A

13x30 CM


27,50 Dkk (1955)

Small Truck models (Chevrolet):               Visit the page about this plastic trucks Click here!

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Limegreene/yellow Truck with low loadingplatform

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

Number 901

15 CM

4,25 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red/Cream Truck with low loadingplatform 

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

Number 901

15 CM

(press studconnection with Truck)

Cream Truck with low loadingplatform with print "Mælk Smør"

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

Number 902

15 CM

With milkbottles

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)


Red ESSO Truck with loadingplatform

Number 903

15 CM

With ESSO Cans

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)


Green/yellow Truck with low loadingplatform with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S"

Number 903

15 CM

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

With BP Gasbotlles

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Black Truck with high loadingplatform with print "KUL og KOKS"

Number 904

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red/Blue Truck with high loadingplatform with print "Sten & Grus"

Number 905

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Brown-Green Army Truck with high loadingplatform

Number 906

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red/yellow Truck with high loadingplatform with print "Dyre Transport, a cow, a horse and a sheep"

Number 907

15 CM

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

With some animals.

5,00 Dkk (1995)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red/Cream Truck with high loadingplatform

Number 907

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red ESSO Truck with Tank

Number 908

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Green/yellow Truck with wooden tank with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S"

Number 908

15 CM

5,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Loadingplatforms for short Truckmodels Chevrolet:  

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Plastic transportlad low model, loose in box. (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 901 A

1,00 Dkk (1955)


Plastic transportlad low model, loose in box "Milk". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 902 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)



Plastic transportlad low model, loose in box "BP". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 903 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Plastic transportlad low model, loose in box "ESSO". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 903 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Plastic transportlad high model, loose in box " Kul og Koks". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 904 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Plastic transportlad high model, loose in box " Sten & Grus". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 905 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Plastic transportlad high model, loose in box "Dyretransport". (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 907 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Wooden tank for small Chevrolet models with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S" and at back "BP logo" (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 908 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)


Wooden tank for small Chevrolet models with print "Dansk ESSO A/S" and at back "ESSO logo" (press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 908 A

1,25 Dkk (1955)

Trailers for short Truckmodels Chevrolet:  

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Trailer red for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Number 901 P

11 CM

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Trailer Cream for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Print: "mælk & Smør"

Number 902 P

11 CM

2,65 Dkk (1955)

Trailer Green for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Print: "BP olie-Kompagniet"

Number 903 P

11 CM

2,65 Dkk (1955)


Trailer Black for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Print: "Kul - KOKS"

Number 904 P

11 CM

2,65 Dkk (1955)

Trailer Blue for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Print: "Sten & grus compagniet"

Number 905P

11 CM

2,65 Dkk (1955)


Trailer Red for small Chevrolet Truckmodels

Print: "Dyretransport"

Number 907P

11 CM

2,65 Dkk (1955)


Big Truck models Chevrolet:                        Visit the page about this plastic Trucks click here!

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Green/yellow Truck with long low Green trailer 

Number 911

24 CM

(press studconnection with Truck)

5,25 Dkk (1955)

Cream/bruwn Truck with long Cream trailer with print "Mælk Smør"

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

Number 912

24 CM

With Milkbottles

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red Truck with long Red trailer with print "Benzin ESSO Smøreolie" 

At front Truck print "Chevrolet" at side Truck print "ESSO"

Number 913

24 CM

With ESSO cans

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Green/yellow Truck with long low Green trailer with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S"

Number 913

24 CM

With BP gasbottles

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Blacke Truck with long low Black trailer 

Number 914 

24 CM

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Blue/Cream Truck with long low Blue trailer 

Number 915

24 CM

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red Truck with long wooden tanktrailer with print "Benzin ESSO Smøreolie"

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

Number 918

24 CM

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red Truck with long wooden tanktrailer with print "Benzin ESSO Smøreolie" and "ESSO" logo with wings on side of the tanker and ESSO logo at the back of the tanker

Number 918

24 CM

6,00 Dkk (1955)

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

(press studconnection with Truck)

Greene/yellow Truck with long wooden tanktrailer with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S"

Number 918

24 CM

At front Truck print "Chevrolet"

6,00 Dkk (1955)

(press studconnection with Truck)

Red Truck with long Red trailer 

(press studconnection with Truck)

Trailers for big Truckmodels Chevrolet:         Visit the page about plastic Trucks click here!

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Green trailer 

Number 911 A

2,00 Dkk (1955)

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Milk trailer 

Number 912 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Green trailer with print "BP OLIE KOMPAGNIET A/S" 

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 913 A

2,25 DKK (1955)

Red trailer with print "ESSO Smørreolie" 

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 913 A

2,25 DKK (1955)


Black trailer with print "KUL og KOKS" 

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 914 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Blue trailer with print "Sten & Grus Kompagniet" at side.

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 915 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Red wooden tanktrailer with print "ESSO" at side and back

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 918 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Red wooden tanktrailer with print "ESSO" at side and back

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 918 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Green wooden tanktrailer with print "BP Olie kompagniet" at side and back

(press stud at bottom for press studconnection with Truck)

Number 918 A

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Truckmodels on carton from Chevrolet:  

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Chevrolet Truck on carton wit loadingplatform, trailer, and steeringcable  

Number 921

21 x 24 CM

9,00 Dkk (1955)

Cream "Mælk & Smør" Chevrolet Truck on carton wit loadingplatform, trailer, loose milkbottles and steerincable  

Number 922

21 x 24 CM

10,00 Dkk (1955)


Green Chevrolet BP Truck on carton wit loadingplatform, trailer, steeringcable and loose gassbottles 

Number 923

21 x 24 CM


Black Chevrolet "Kul og KOKS" Truck on carton wit loadingplatform, trailer, and steeringcable  

Number 924

21 x 24 CM


Blue/Cream Chevrolet Truck "Sten & Grus Compagniet" on carton wit loadingplatform, trailer, and steerincable  

Number 925

21 x 24 CM

10,00 Dkk (1955)


Kabelrat for short Truckmodels Chevrolet:  

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Loose steeringcable for Chevrolet Truckmodels

Number 950

12 x 12 CM

2,25 Dkk (1955)

Vans (Chevrolet):                         Visit the page about these Vans Click here!

Old order list from 1955 with all the old LEGO toys from then, with the price and itemnumber.

Red Chevrolet Van "Ambulance" with print windows and hospital logo 

With Flywheel = 970, 5,00 Dkk (1955) (Red edition)

Without Flywheel = 960, 3,25 Dkk (1955) (Red edition)

With Flywheel = 971, 5,00 Dkk (1955) (Black edition)

Without Flywheel = 961, 3,25 Dkk (1955) (Black edition)

Cream Chevrolet Van with print: "Mælk Smør"

With Flywheel = 972, 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 962, 3,25 Dkk (1955)

Yellow Chevrolet Van

Front print "Chevrolet", side print "Post"

With Flywheel = 973, 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 963, 3,25 Dkk (1955)

Black Chevrolet Van with window print

With Flywheel = 974, 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 964, 3,23 Dkk (1955)


Blue Chevrolet Van

Front print "Chevrolet", side/back print "Lys og Kraft"

With Flywheel = 975, 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 965, 3,25 Dkk (1955)

Green Chevrolet Van

Front print "Chevrolet", sideprint: Brød/Kager

With Flywheel = 976, 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 966 3,25 Dkk (1955)

Red Chevrolet Van

Front print "Chevrolet", sideprint "GILBANCO lights"

With Flywheel = 977 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 967 3,25 Dkk (1955)

Green Chevrolet Van

Front print "Chevrolet"

With Flywheel = 978 5,00 Dkk (1955)

Without Flywheel = 968 3,25 Dkk (1955)

960 M or H (Norsk edition) Coca Cola Van Yellow


VW Beetle modelen 1:43:                                                  Visit the page about plastic vw models click here!

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Blue

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Red

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Grey/Green

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Darkred

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Black

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Grey/Blue

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: withalic Grey

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Grey

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

VW Beetle model 1:43 coloured: Orange

Number 1261 for a single VW Beelte in a box, Number 1260 for a box with 24 in a box.

Other plastic toys:

Clown in different colours

Orion viewmaster 3D 

Visit the page about this viewmaster click here!

Dollwagon (metal and plastic)

Visit the page about this bike click here!


It has LEGO marked rubber tyres. These were bought from the LEGO wooden toys department after the fire in 1960.
The fire affected only the production shops, not the stocks of finished goods or raw materials (such as wheels and other externally made parts).

This  is NOT a LEGO product.

Bike (metal)

Visit the page about this bike click here!

It was made by a Danish toy company "VIBO" in the town of Viborg in Jutland.

It has LEGO marked rubber tyres. These were bought from the LEGO wooden toys department after the fire in 1960.
The fire affected only the production shops, not the stocks of finished goods or raw materials (such as wheels and other externally made parts).

This  is NOT a LEGO product.


Plastic box with wooden block

Visit the page about this plastic box click here!

Plastic box with plastic block

Visit the page about this plastic box click here!

Plastic swan

Visit the page about this plastic swan click here!

Plastic 'Indre Mission' cross, different mdels with and without text on it.

Visit the page about this plastic cross click here!

Plastic 'angel'.

There are two versions off this angel known, see the page about the plastic cross and this christmas item click here!